Who is Genking? Japanese TV Personality and Model

In our home, we stream Japanese TV and I usually play it while doing housework or cooking. I love variety shows which are often graced by celebrities such as models, singers, actors and other TV personalities. In the Japanese entertainment world , these celebrities or "talents" as they are called, have a very short "shelf life" or air time (with the exception probably being Kimura Takuya and Fukuyama Masaharu) before they get replaced by other "flavours of the month".
TV darling and flavour of the month- Genking - has been making rounds on various shows and television stations. This gorgeous model, seen above, is Tanaka Genki. He is better known for his stage name, Genking. Genking rose to fame in Instagram for his good looks and attracted a massive following. Japanese media soon picked up on this and Genking has since changed his style to modelling in female roles.
I think most audiences outside Japan are confused about the whole male/ female categorisation. But Japanese don't really need to define him. He isn't a transgendering / transgendered person. He is just able to model and look both parts of male and female.
Genking is really popular in Japan right now and I watch all his regular shows where he is usually asked to do some DIY magic. If you go on youtube, you will find videos of him creating DIY makeover magic in toilets, hand-me-down baby clothing to 愛妻弁当 (Bentos made by loving wives).
Genking has a regular appearance every Thursday night on Nihon Terebi (Nippon Television Network) at 9:30. The series is called, 『GENKINGのプチプラでおキャワたん』which shows little makeover DIY projects.
Photo Credit: Instagram, @genkingofficial