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Ebi Akiyama


Third Culture Kid* turned 30-something Mama.

I'm a working mother living in Singapore with my husband and our 1 year-old daughter.


I mainly use social media via Instagram and Blogging to connect with like-minded working mothers, who are (or have families that are) either TCK, bi-cultural as well as others who have a connection with or an interest in Japan. 


When I'm not rushing between work, the nursery and home to cook dinners, I try to do small handcrafted zakka projects. I love Japanese Aesthetics and Design (wabi sabi) and also Zakka- hence Wabi Zakka. 


I curate and run a small online shop- Japan Mama- where I promote Made in Japan and Handmade Items to parents living in Singapore. (post-note: I'm going to be travelling a lot in 2016 so this shop isn't getting much attention, please stop on by and help me clear out the SAYONARA SALE!)


*Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a term used to refer to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents’ culture for a significant part of their development years


実は、Third Culture Kid (TCK)って、両親の文化と違う第3国の文化で育っている子供のことです。







Hoarding Beautiful Things Online

Since © 2015

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